ICOx Innovations Announces Corporate Name Change to CurrencyWorks Inc.

6 years ago

CurrencyWorks™ will continue to trade on TSXV and OTCQB under new symbol CWRK Los Angeles, Sept. 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ICOx Innovations Inc. (“ICOx”) (TSXV and OTCQB: ICOX), which builds digital currencies to create more transactions for brands, announced today that it is changing its corporate name to CurrencyWorks™ Inc. (“CurrencyWorks”) and will continue to trade on the TSXV and OTCQB under its new symbol CWRK. The name change reflects the company’s commitment and experience in helping brands to redefine the transaction value chain for customer attraction, engagement and retention through the creation and implementation of their own digital currency. CurrencyWorks™ digital currencies create more transactions. CurrencyWorks™ for brand loyalty programs CurrencyWorks™ for in app purchases CurrencyWorks™ for online retail purchases CurrencyWorks™ for virtual goods purchases CurrencyWorks™ for charity donations CurrencyWorks™ for royalty payments CurrencyWorks™ for affiliate payments CurrencyWorks™ for micropayments CurrencyWorks™ for remittance “The new name – CurrencyWorks – allows us to emphasize the legacy, continued work and commitment we have to brands in helping them design and implement digital currencies.” said Bruce Elliott, President of CurrencyWorks. “As a company who was founded on the belief that a branded digital currency increases transactions to an organizations’ customer base, we are committed to providing these benefits to brands across a multitude of sectors.” CurrencyWorks continues to provide a platform to develop their customers’ transactional base through a digital currency. Partners currently developing within CurrencyWorks include: RYDE Holding Inc, the operator of the KODAKOne Platform RYDE Holding Inc. is servicing more than 22 customers live on the KODAKOne Post-Licensing Platform (PLP) and producing daily revenues for their clients. Ryde Holding Inc. also announced a partnership agreement with Image Protect, targeting to add 75 additional customers on the KODAKOne PLP. For more information on KODAKOne, please visit www.kodakone.com. (RYDE Holding Inc. is a brand licensee of Eastman Kodak Company) CurrencyWorks partners BitRail and Freedom Coin and their regulated blockchain payment platform for stable coins, made great progress in June with the granting of additional money transmitter licenses and live testing of its end-to-end blockchain payment platform. BitRail's first signed customer is Freedom Coin, serving a community of 4.7M registered users transacting over $650M annually. This could position Freedom Coin to become one of the most retail-transacted cryptocurrencies in US in the next 12 months. For more information on BitRail, please visit www.BitRail.io Cathio (a CurrencyWorks subsidiary) will transform the way the Catholic economy moves money Cathio also announced a stellar Board and Advisors including former Senator Rick Santorum (former US Republican Presidential candidate) and Ambassador Jim Nicholson (former US Ambassador to the Holy See - Vatican). Cathio also announced MOUs for 4 customer engagements and it expects to see more product and customer announcements over the coming quarters. For more information on Cathio, please visit: www.cathio.com sBetOne (a CurrencyWorks subsidiary) – Focused on opportunities in the rapidly expanding US regulated sports betting market sBetOne is developing opportunities for regulated celebrity-endorsed sports betting platforms in the high growth sectors, initially for golf betting and eSports betting in the US. It also announced a strong Advisory Board for sBetOne including Gabe Hunterton (former President City of Dreams Casino Macau and former National Director Marketing for Bellagio Las Vegas), David Flynn (former senior leadership roles at Ongame, NYX Gaming, VeraJohn.com and involved in over $1B in exits in the online gaming sector); Ashley Sandyford Sykes, former Executive Vice President Digital Games at Scientific Gaming and product owner for major casino and sports betting platforms; Rick Dugdale Independent film producer and President & CEO of Enderby Entertainment; and Aaron Wagner founder and Managing Partner of Wags Capital. For more information on sBetOne, please visit www.sBetOne.com “Digital currency is going mainstream with companies like Walmart, JP Morgan and Facebook developing their own branded digital currencies and wallets. CurrencyWorks has been ahead of the curve in the development of branded currencies – having announced KODAKOne and the soon to be released KODAKCoin at CES in January of 2018.” said CurrencyWorks Board Member and 38th Director of the US Mint Edmund Moy. “As digital currency weaves its way into our everyday lives, it will be many people’s first experience using it. It is important to show them the potential for good that this technology represents. I am very proud to be a part of a company that has been at the forefront in the use of this innovative new technology for brands from the beginning.” The new name is effective immediately. About CurrencyWorks CurrencyWorks Inc. (TSX: CWRK and OTCQB: CWRK) is a publicly traded company redefining the transaction value chain for customer attraction, engagement and retention by increasing transactions through the creation and implementation of their own digital currency. CurrencyWorks partners with established brands who have large customers bases, fan followings or online communities. CurrencyWorks acts as a vendor or joint ventures to launch and develop digital currencies to solve real world problems and create more transactions. For more information on CurrencyWorks, please visit us at: www.currencyworks.io. For additional investor info visit www.currencyworks.io or www.sedar.com and www.sec.gov searching CWRK. Company Contact Bruce Elliott, President Phone: 424-570-9446 Bruce.elliott@currencyworks.io Media Contact Arian L. Hopkins arian@currencyworks.io Phone: 424-570-9446 ext. 2 Investor Inquiries Phone: 424-570-9446 ext. 8 ir@currencyworks.io PCG Advisory Jeff Ramson / Stephanie Prince Phone: 646-762-4518 jramson@pcgadvisory.com Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.